By placing an order you will be charged ${{item['productPrice']}} one time for {{item['productName']}}. You will receive your certificate within 24hrs in your email. There will be no rebilling as it is a one time purchase plan. You may cancel your order by calling Customer Service at 8989898989 or email at [email protected]. All charges on your bank statement will appear as
By placing this order you will be charged ${{item['productPrice']}} one time for {{item['productName']}}. Standard shipping orders will be processed and shipped with USPS within about 1 business day. Shipping time is estimated to be 5-7 business days from when your order ships out. You may cancel your order by calling Customer Service at 8989898989 or email at [email protected]. All charges on your bank statement will appear as Thank you for your business.
By choosing this plan you will receive a link and credentials within 24 hrs in your email to {{item['productName']}} for 30 days. After 30 days, your subscription will be automatically rebilled at ${{item['productPrice']}} (FREE S&H) for each subscription cycle until you cancel, for a maximum of 1 year from the date of purchase. This charge will appear on your billing statement as If our product is not right for you, simply call 8989898989 or contact us via email at [email protected] to cancel your order.